Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Everyday Faces

You walk into your kindergarten classroom for the first time, frightened by the eyes peering at you from around the room. Days go by and these people turn into your classmates. Weeks go by and now their your friends. Before you know it, 10 years have suddenly rushed by in a blur before your eyes and you're in high school with those very same people. Some of those past friends have now become nothing more than hallway acquaintances. You've met people you like and people you don't, you've formed certain opinions, but most importantly you've found good friends to keep close and treasure.

Lately, I've been thinking about all the relationships I've made throughout my life. Even though I'm not through, high school has really changed me from freshman year to now. While I meet new people and make new friends, I've also lost the ones that I thought would be with me forever. It's like I can't stop thinking about it to the point where my head hurts and I feel like I've reached insanity. While I miss the past so much, I want to spring forward and restart at times. You know how people say "It's sad when the people who you know become people you knew?" I think that's happened to everyone, including myself, probably a lot more than they wished. You meet people you love, you meet people you hate. The ones in the middle you think nothing of. In a few years, I guarantee the people in these categories have probably flip flopped a few times. I guess this is all a part of the "best four years of your life" highschool experience though. And on a greater level, I guess even life.

The friends you see everyday, the people you talk to in class, the ones you pass in the hallways, it has all become a daily routine. These are the people we grow up with, the people who experience the same things we do. Everyone has the freedom to make their own choices, but in the end, these kids have been there with you from the start. Whether you realize it or not, those kids you met on the first day of Kindergarten, their the ones who will be with you on the ride for the next 12 years of your life as you discover who you are. On this ride you'll uncover your greatest ambitions, fears, dreams, and capabilities. Most likely, these people will hurt you, disrespect you, offend you, and lie to you. But they will also be the ones right by your side holding your hand along the way. In the end I know all these people I have met have definitely changed me. I don't know whether it's for the better or the worse, but I do know that it's slowly molding me into who I am. Taking more time to get to know a person takes effort, but in the end the results may be unbelievable. You never know when you'll meet someone who could really change your perspective. So really take the time and think about this. I dare you.

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