Anger. Delicate, yet dangerous. Bubbles up to a maximum in a number of seconds and overflows the rim to cause havoc in a number of minutes. It's an uncapped bottle full of dissapointment, hurt, and frustration. It may not be all bad though. Think about it. It's just another emotion given to man to help him grow and build a foundation. Yes, it may cause trouble, but one must know pain to advance, right? To me, I think it's what the person does with the anger that is the problem. It's the action that determines whether the feelings are negative or positive. The anger we possess seems to be a sign telling us something needs to be changed. It's so easy for us to resort to yelling and losing our patience as soon as the bottle's uncapped. It's too easy to forget how it may hurt others or the consequences that follow. While this is probably a hard thing to do, think what would happen if we all stopped and took 10 minutes to play out in our minds what we are going to say, as well as the followed reactions, before we say it. We can all deal with anger, we just have to find the strength to put it aside and the courage to be the bigger person and promise yourself to resolve it. Let it dissolve, and move on, for if you don't put it aside then it will only linger in the back of your head for who knows how long before actions are taken. Plus is it really worth it all the time? Is there another way to act or say something before this feeling turns into resentment and regret? Through my eyes, it would be nice if we could up our willingness to listen and down our temptations to become angry.
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