Wednesday, July 15, 2009

A game we call Charades

People are always so complicated. Why can't it just be as simple as being required to wear a stamp on our forehead revealing who we really are? We put on a mask and play this game of "charades" just to be liked and accepted by our surroundings. While doing this, we get so into the game we tend to lose ourself. After a certain point, it seems nearly impossible to ever find ourselves and return back to the old us, the real being. We do this because we fear the opinions of others and the judgement they may form. It makes no sense though if you think about it. Is it really all worth it? If we play this game long enough and you end up winning, I guarantee you will never quit. No one will ever know your secret, as long as you can bear it within. Just not my thing I guess. It is unnecessary and unnacceptable for anyone to tell me who I am just to make me play. I won't give in to such a silly plan in order to lose myself and make you happy. We just aren't that simple.

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