Wednesday, May 13, 2009


You meet someone for the first time and you automatically start to make certain assumptions about them. Maybe it's their hair, or the way they talk, or even the way they dress. For the most part, you probably don't even know this person that well. Subconsciously, we automatically start to have negative feelings about them. We call this judging. But why do we do it? Because we're human. It's just one of those qualities we're born with I guess. What we must do is fight it though. Give it our all to fight the negative feelings rushed into your mind at that first glance. Believe there is nothing horrible about that person and wait to get to know them before you make any assumptions.

I got to thinking though, why do we do this constantly without even trying? Perhaps it's because when we see someone differing from the norm, our brain feels the need to classify people into certain categories. I'm talking about when we label people as emos, goths, jocks, preps, etc. Think of how much of a difference it would make if we all could really take the effort to get to know every person we meet. Everyone's a stranger at some point right? Well that tiny ounce of effort to get to know someone will automatically shift your frame of mind. Think of it as a deck of cards. You judge someone and the cards have automatically been laid out for you and glued to the table. Get to know them, and those cards will magically reshuffle themselves and give you a whole new opinion about them. Try it sometime, it's crazy. I still haven't figured out this crazy habit we have, but I've definitely cleared my head. Of course we're not all perfect human beings, yet we gossip about each other all the time.

Honestly though, do you think you could say one nice thing about every single person you meet without a single thought? How about one bad thing? I bet the second one's easier. It's human nature to focus on the flaws and overlook the good. This judging that we do though, is it because of insecurity? to feel superior? just for the purpose of being 'cool'? I feel like i'm getting off topic right now, but the things I hear people say just amaze me. I don't understand it. We're all human right? Then what's the need to put other people down? Well bottom line is we will never be likable to everyone. While some love you for certain qualities, others will strongly detest you for those same ones. Maybe it's just a matter of taste. I don't know. But from now on, start off with a clean slate. Really push yourself to keep an open mind before forming certain opinions about them. Next time you talk about someone, I hope you remember this. You don't know them. Who knows what their going through? All you have is their image to rely on. Can you really base everything off of that? Rumors aren't always true. There's a reason why it's called a rumor. This constant judging will always be present around you but that doesn't mean you have to follow this crazy worldwide trend. It's just another one of those crazy unexplainable things in life I guess.

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