Tuesday, September 30, 2014

The Best Investment You'll Ever Make

Jim Rohn once said, “You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with.”

Let me guess. You have your immediate family, maybe a significant other, and then you have your friends.

College isn’t the “best four years of your life” because you earned a diploma, spent all night partying, or figured out what you want to do. It’s because those years are filled with friendships, acquaintances, and creating memories that you’ll remember for a lifetime. You meet the people who are supposed to have your back through thick and thin, who you know will be celebrating with you at your wedding, and the ones that will be sitting beside you in a wheel chair.

As best as we know it, school has always been a huge facilitator in meeting people whether you know them from class, or they live down the hall, or they’re in the same sorority or fraternity as you. Those four years you’ve spent together are suddenly going to be different after graduation…..Well if you let them.

Before graduation it feels like everyone’s in the same place and everyone’s moving in sync. You graduate with your closest friends by your side, you take that crazy trip you’ve always wanted to take, and now you’re ready to conquer the world. Well suddenly you might find that in your circle of friends all your lives are suddenly changing independent of one another. Some work long work weeks, others decide to move to a foreign country, and you slowly feel that sense of drifting.

As you get older, your priorities change, you gain more responsibilities, and you unconsciously become more selective about who you want to spend your time with. While you may think about your closest friends everyday, you probably don’t get around to calling or texting them because you can think of a million other things that need to be done before you go to bed.

Well let me tell you this: It takes two. To maintain any type of relationship it’s going to take effort on both of your sides. Not just yours and not just theirs.

Don’t be the friend who is always invited to things, but never plans anything on their own. If planning isn’t “your thing,” then make it your thing if you care about staying in touch. Be a giver. Be understanding. Don’t let your friendships fade because you were too tired or too busy because I guarantee you won’t regret it once you’re sitting across the table from an old friend catching up over lost time.

It saddens me to say this, but I can’t even count how many times I’ve browsed my Facebook feed to see that someone I went to high school with passed away last week, or that someone I’ve been meaning to make plans with moved across the country. I can’t stress it enough. Seriously - make an effort before it’s too late.

I agree. It’s extremely hard to keep up with your own life, while also trying to keep up with everyone else’s..but one hour every Tuesday is only .59% of your week. So pick up your phone, send out a card, make some plans, and schedule time to call an old friend this week. That’s less than 1% of your week. Come on. No excuses.

Out of all the investments you will make in your life, building a relationship will be the single most important. It may not be costly, per say, but it will take time, effort, and hopefully a lot of emotions as well. Invest your kindness, and invest your interests in the people around you. No amount of money will make up for the feeling of loneliness on the big events in your life if you don’t have true friends to celebrate it with.

Friday, January 3, 2014

Cheers To Being A Better You In 2014

So it's the first month of the year and everyone's all hooked on their new years resolutions. You can't go to the gym right now because it's too crowded, and you're probably going to get cornered at work while someone drinking a puke green smoothie tries to tell you about this new fab diet they just started. According to Forbes, only 8% of Americans actually achieve their resolutions. So before February comes around and you're sitting with a box of chocolates, let's switch it up this year. It's time to better yourself as a person. If you're still doing all of these by December, then I say go ahead and start 2015 next year with that green smoothie. More power to you!

1. Stop feeling sorry for yourself
If you're reading this post right now, you're more fortunate than 3 billion people in the world who can't read at all. So stop scrolling down your newsfeed liking your so called friends statuses because they have great jobs, great materialistic things, and a seemingly perfect life to you. Fix your resume, polish up, try to smile (even if it's fake, I promise it'll turn real eventually), and realize you have potential. It's all about how you carry yourself.

2. Make yourself resourceful
Life doesn't always give us all the solutions with the problems. Be creative, prepare for the best, and try to figure it out as much as you can. Whether this means helping someone change a flat, or just helping carry in groceries, don't be a bump on a log (for lack of other words). Seriously though, once you figure it out, remember that and share your knowledge in another's time of need.

3. Take a second to actually pay attention to detail
We live in a world where we think anything that takes longer than 5 minutes is terrible customer service, and if someone doesn't smile back or say hi they're considered rude and standoffish. Maybe people called in sick today, maybe that person was having a bad day, maybe it's just one of those days for them. Maybe's could go on forever, but don't just write off people because they don't act how you expected them to.

4. Say good riddance already
If there's something or someone you're unhealthily obsessing over, click the button and delete them from your Facebook, your phone, and your twitter. If you're putting too much effort into a friendship and it's only getting worse, take a deep breath and realize you're going to make new friends. Your "bubble" aren't the only people that exist. It's a new year remember? Start it off positive.

5. Write
I know I'm biased because it's a hobby of mine, but even if you don't do it everyday take a minute or two before you go to bed and write down the best thing that happened to you, or how your day went, or whatever you want really. It'll get your mind off things, not to say that it'll be hilarious to read back five years from now about how you accidentally walked into the boys bathroom at the airport (oh wait..oops.)

6. Keep up with the world around you
I'm guilty of this. I have a laptop, a desktop, an iPhone, and multiple televisions, yet I'll admit, I still tend to fall behind on current events. Perhaps it's because there's apps like Candy Crush and Instagram that take priority, but knowing what's going on around the world will hopefully make us a little less ignorant and a little more understanding.

7. Make the insignificant people in your life feel appreciated
I'm talking about the baristas, the waiters, and the people behind cash registers at the grocery store. They're working their job just like you were earlier that day. Even a simple 'have a great day,' or "How has your day been?' will probably make them feel more appreciated, and that's something everyone longs for.

8. Be realistic
Now that you've read this, I wasn't making fun of you for setting a goal to eat healthier or to work out more because those are on my list too. I'm just saying start with smaller goals so you don't want to quit your resolution because you skipped the gym one day or ate some cake on your birthday. Go to the gym when you can, treat yourself to your favorite food every once in a while, and definitely eat cake on your birthday. 2014 is about enjoying life to the fullest, not stressing over a promise you made to yourself.

Sunday, November 3, 2013

20 lessons to learn through your 20s (and remember forever)

I'm not even a full year into my twenties but I already feel like I have such an insight into the next ten years ahead of me. As everyone tells me, I do believe my twenties are going to be one of the best ages of my life. I can get away with being foolish and acting like a child, while still being held responsible for all the adult stuff that children haven't learned yet. It's a time to learn and it's a time to realize. And naturally, I'm still working on all 20 of these. 

1. Inject yourself and everyone you meet with love
Not the friend love, the fake love, or the love just because you feel you're obligated to return it. I'm talking about the genuine, sincere, love them so much it hurts you type of love. Love yourself and let your positive energy spread to those around you. Wear your heart on your sleeve and tell the people around you how much you love them this second because if you don't, you'll probably think about telling them for the next few years and never get around to it. There's too many people in this world who don't feel loved, valued, smile or get a hug everyday. As cliche as it sounds, love is a disease and love makes the world go round. It's up to you - start now. 

2. Step out of your box
Some of the greatest things that will ever happen to you will be because you had 10 seconds of liquid courage to step out of your comfort zone. I encourage you to do one thing each week that absolutely terrifies you. It'll make you stronger. I promise. Tell someone how you feel. Go skydiving. Stand up to your boss. The adrenaline rush that comes after all these doesn't suck either. If you don't do it now, you probably won't do it "eventually" either. You're in your twenties remember? You're supposed to be bold. Don't let us down. 

3. Take some time for yourself every once in a while
It won't be the end of the world if you don't go to that party on Friday that you know everyone will be talking about all through next week. Stay in for a night while everyone else goes out and just take some time to relax and breathe and compose your thoughts. You don't have to constantly be surrounded by your friends or family. Find that peace within yourself and cherish that time. Like I said, I'm not even far into my twenties and I'm already finding it hard to get some time to myself. There's going to be a day where you'll be responsible for more than yourself and everything going on in your world. It may not be just yet, so take the time while you still have it.

4.  Take the road less traveled and keep looking for more
As you start your twenties, you'll see some that are settling down already and some that are only beginning their journey. Most importantly, you'll see people settle for what they have because it was easy or just because they can. There's no reason to sell yourself short. You only have one chance to make your mark on this world so strive for the greatest and the best whether it's a relationship, a job, or your friends. Surround yourself by people who inspire you and don't accept what you have. Accept what you can achieve

5. STOP complaining
Your happiness is all up to you and not anyone else. If you don't like something, then change it. Complaining doesn't get you anywhere except blowing up the problem in your head even more. No one likes a complainer and the truth of the matter is when you complain to someone about your problems, half of them don't care and the other half are probably glad you have them. You can get through it just fine.

6. Appreciate your family
Growing up we all thought our families were weird or embarrassing or we were 'too cool' to hang with them because we had to go to the latest movie premiere. I think I've always realized this, but I'll tell you again. Family is everything. Your family is the only group of people that will love you unconditionally no matter what. Yes you will find your differences and get into arguments, but at the end of the day they're the only people who you couldn't pick to be loved by and they live up to their duty. Spend as much time with them as you can because you never know when they'll be gone. No one will love you as much as your family. 

7. Meet new people
Just because you're 20 and you think you've met your friends or boyfriend/girlfriend who you're sure you'll keep in touch with for years to come doesn't give you an excuse to stop branching out. Did you know there are over 7 billion people in the world right now? You only know maybe .01% of people in this world and are actually close to even less than that. Go places where you barely know anyone and introduce yourself. Widen your perspective, see how others live their lives, and show them how you live yours. You never know when someone just happened to need a friend. People get set in their lifestyles as we get older and it gets harder to socialize and meet new people. Everyone has something to offer whether you see it or not. 

8. Stay out late and go to work the next day
It won't be the end of the world if you stay out late on a tuesday night when you know you have to write a paper that night and go to work the next day. I'm pretty studious myself, but I'm realizing this more and more as my senior year approaches. I won't have opportunities to do things like that in a few years. It's really true. You're never going to remember the nights that you got a full 10 hours of sleep, you're going to remember the crazy things you did when you were supposed to be sleeping. If you can't do it right now, when can you?

9. You can't just get by
Nothing will ever happen if you don't wake up and make things happen. About #8, yes do that sometimes, but not every night. Our generation especially, is so competitive with everything we do. Your twenties is when you start applying for jobs and for grad school. There's so many other people just as qualified as you, but you have to put in the extra effort to prove you can be successful and that you're ready to work over a 40 hour work week if necessary. 

10. Know your worth
You're 1 of over 7 BILLION people in the world, and you're not exactly like any one of those others. If you're not comfortable with doing something, don't do it. If you feel like you're forced into a choice, stand up for yourself and drive them the other way. You're the only person that has to live with your choices and past regrets will haunt you to no end.

11. Realize that not everyone will like you.. and that's okay
Yes, this may suck to hear but it's true. People may still dislike you regardless of how kind or successful you are. It's human nature to have likes and dislikes so the things that you hate about someone will be the very same things they love about someone else. Just remember, don't let other's opinions threaten your behavior. The best you can do is to behave in a way that if someone was to talk bad about you, no one would believe it. 

12. Don't plan too far ahead
As I enter my twenties, I hear about my friends who already have their whole lives planned out on paper. I'm not saying to live your life without a little structure, but what's the rush? Your twenties are a time to live to the fullest. If you get your mind set on your plan and it fails in the third year, I don't want you to feel like there's no other way as your world comes crashing down around you.

13. Travel
I really believe that traveling and seeing the world is one of the greatest experiences. It's so breathtaking to be in a town you've never been in and to experience what others experience in their daily life. It really makes you understand things. Take a trip with your closest friends and have the vacation you always talk about having. While you're there, travel like a local. See what living there would be all about. Try new things and create memories. I intend to do this this year.

14. Thank your parents
You're not in high school anymore where everything seems like the end of the world and when you're upset you just yelled at your mom or dad and they blamed it on being a teenager. Your parents have been the most influential people your whole life. Now it's your turn to take the stronger lead and assure them and show them that they've raised you right. Believe it or not, parents wonder this all the time. They've never expected anything in return from you, so thank them and appreciate them whenever you can.

15. Go ahead and eat what you want
There's always so much talk about crazy cleanses or diets or the way that we should look. You're twenty something, NOT 50 something. You're not going to suddenly gain 20 pounds overnight if you eat a cookie. When you're 50 something, you're going to wish you had the metabolism you have now. Food was meant to be enjoyed, so taste it and love it! Food is life. Indulge in it, you've made it to at least 20 so now it's time to celebrate.

16. Never close your ears
Never stop learning. Even if you think you're so knowledgable that you know everything there is to know, I guarantee there's something that would amaze you. We live in a century where Google is always at our fingertips. If you're curious, look it up. Learn new things, take the time to listen about other people's lives, and keep learning. Your brains a sponge remember? What if that random fact wins you a million dollars on who wants to be a millionaire one day?

17. If you hear someone needs help, HELP them
Seriously. I can't say this enough. It doesn't matter whether you overhear it, or they tell you personally. It's never been okay to think that someone else will help them so you let yourself sit back. If everyone does that, we'd all be suffering right now. You have time on your hands and not everything is about you. If you're reading this right now, consider yourself fortunate. Not everything is about you, it's time to give back.

18. Find your niche
If you haven't already, keep looking. If you have, still keep looking. Try new things. Take that dance class, or that art class, or the cooking class you've always wanted to take. You never know what new activity you'll fall in love with and maybe even make something of. Remember how amazing it is when someone tells you their hobby and you think it makes them extraordinary.

19. Make mistakes and learn how to handle criticism well
Whether you think so or not, there will always be a way to improve. It's okay to make mistakes because it's a keystone in improving. Criticism is supposed to better you, not bring you down. Guess what? No one's perfect and you're especially nowhere near it in your twenties. Learn to be mature and take it with a grain of salt. Learn from your experiences and know that you'll be an ounce closer to perfection the next time you do it.

20. Surround yourself with the right people
Surround yourself with people who will make you a better person than you are today. They always say you're like the 6 people you spend the most time with. If this is true, are you happy with your choices right now? Those people should encourage you to live in the moment, while reminding you of your responsibilities, while still acting like a 2 year old with you when you need to be after staying out with you all night just because you needed to talk. They offer hugs, challenges, laughs, cries, pain, warmth, and kindness. These people mold you. I know it's a lot to ask, but that's why there's six. 

Friday, August 3, 2012

That Special Someone

"Sometimes it's easier to feel like you're the only one in the world who's struggling, who's frustrated, unsatisfied or barely getting by but that feelings a lie and if you just hold on. Just find the courage to face it all another day, someone or something will find you and make it all ok because we all need a little help sometimes. Someone to help us hear their music in the world. To remind us it won't always be this way. That someone is out there and that someone will find you."

To my mom, that is my dad. To my dad, that is my mom.

With age comes battles to conquer, victories to celebrate, and hurdles to be crossed with a companion by your side. My parents may be quite different than yours, but I know they're just right for each other and that's all that matters. They don't hold hands when they walk or go out on coffee dates. My mom yells at least 8 times before my dad finally comes to the dinner table every night. My dad will spend countless hours on the internet online shopping for furniture we don't really need. In fact, they even get into arguments sometimes. But at the end of the day I see them climb up the stairs together to go to their room and watch their tv shows together in bed. A routine so simple gives me comfort as I fall asleep in my room next door. No matter how much pressure and out of control our lives may unravel into, seeing them happy gives me strength. 

It makes me think about happiness and love. That someone. They're each other's someones. We always think we're going to finally be happy when we get that promotion or when we get that car we've wanted. But happiness isn't a destination. It's not a place we need to reach to obtain that feeing.  It's a condition. It's like when we're sleepy or hungry. It can come and go and we control it. I think that they recognize this and that's why they find it within each other.

My dad. You meet him a couple times and he's charming and silly. He can easily turn into a kid with me and my brother. While we enjoy messing around with him, we also hold him to a high level of respect. We don't just grow up knowing you will always defend us and that there is always a solution we are capable of from anyone you know. You spend a few days with him and you'll see that he tries to outdo himself past his physical limits because he believes he's strong and determined. You are dad, and I'm not the only one that sees it. You spend a lifetime with him and you learn that he's stubborn but has the biggest heart. He may come off stern and hot tempered at times, but only because he's so protective of the ones he loves. He's one of the hardest workers I know and I'll be sure to consider my successful if even half of that drive is within me at your age. 

My mom. She's one of a kind. Stay at our house for a week and you'll see. I take that back. Spend 24 hours here and she'll make you feel like our house is your second home. Her day starts around 6 AM to pack lunches, unload the dishwasher, do a load of laundry, shower, talk on the phone, go to work, come home, clean the house, sit and do homework with my brother, talk to my dad, Facetime with her brother in India and still has time to come into my room after a long day and check in on me before she goes to bed. She's truly a super woman. She's the most selfless person I know. I know me and my brother don't always listen to her whether she's telling us to do chores or to be safe and text her as I'm leaving the house, but I know it's engraved in our brains somewhere. Her devotion to God is truly uplifting and that is why her heart is always open. Her dedication to her family is overwhelming. She's the one I come to about anything and she always tells me to take the high road and do what is truest to myself. If I can have some of her powers one day, that will really be a dream come true.

These guardians I've been blessed with have enough strength together than I may ever need. Even if they don't agree about things at times they put up a front together for the sake of me and my brother. They're each other's someones and I know they can get through anything and everything. They help each other hear the music in the world when it feels like all the lights are out and it's silent as a pin drop. Their love reminds me that when I'm frustrated it won't always be that way, that I can face everything for one more day to keep going. While I wasn't there the day it happened, I couldn't be happier that they found each other. 

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

I write this post with tears in the corners of my eyes.

Tonight was a Monday night meeting just like any other, but little did I know we were about to do an activity that was about to touch me. Our sisterhood coordinator began to instruct us as we followed. We put our name on a blank sheet of paper and left it on our desk. Then each sister was to go around the room to every other blank sheet and write a message to that sister.

I lay in bed right now as I just finished reading my paper. The things I just read make me appreciate my sisters to a whole different level. Some make me laugh and some make me cry, but most of all I'm so touched. I'm so proud to be a part of such a strong sisterhood that can shine through anything.

My sisterhood is not something that can be seen or heard. It is what I feel everyday. I'm talking about the 50 women I am closest to. The ones I am related to by love, not blood. The ones who remind me who I am everyday and encourage my dreams. The ones who teach me to treat myself with respect, as well as everyone around me.

Reading my page tonight, I'm overwhelmed with a sense of belonging and love. I admire each and every one of them in their own way. While I've only been in for a year, I've seen them dream, hope, and inspire.

I have a sister who will go a mile out of her way just to see you for five minutes to give a hug. I have a sister who is the president of 12 different organizations, but still makes time to call to say hello. I have a sister who may be having the worst day, yet walks around with a beautiful smile on her face. I have a sister who ultimately brings out the best in anyone she meets. I have a sister who will bring you back to earth when your head is in the clouds. I have a sister who will lay in bed and cry with you.

If I'm not lucky, then I don't know who is. These girls put me before themselves and they truly want me to succeed. They know everything about me and will still hold my hand. They have the power to ruin me but would never dream of it.

These are the women who give me the confidence to face my fears, the push to achieve my goals, and the ones celebrating with me in the end. This is my sisterhood. This is an eternal love that will last. This is a feeling I can't find anywhere but here. This is in delta phi epsilon. I love you <3

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

If life is a game...

If life is a game measured by who has the most control, then I would say I've been out for a pretty long time. But most of all, it's important to learn to let go of the disappointments that bloomed from things beyond your reach. It was the past. And when you're completely lost in the dark, you have to remember that things change and it's only in the dark that you can see light. The light that leads you back to seeing the good side of things, a gentle reminder to tread through the dark and keep going no matter how much fear you may have. Don't be afraid to fall. The greatest feeling of happiness doesn't come from a million dollar shopping spree or a new car. You only feel that when you conquer the things that scare you the most. Step up and take a shot. Maybe you'll end up with everything you've ever wanted. Maybe even more than you ever dreamed of. Who knows. But to me, it's okay to be out of the game. Out only means onto another road, a path that takes me to a place i have never heard of, yet the only place I want to be.

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Speeding Cars

Have you ever looked out the window in a moving vehicle and tried to track the things that pass by with your eyes? The ones far away take longer to pass by, while the ones that are closer seem to fade away instantly. Well that's how life is. Each event is a series of images passing us by like the cars on the highway. We track these moments and distinctly remember them for that split second, but only to see a brand new one. And then theres the times when the vehicle stops and all the images stop fleeting by. These are the moments we stand in awe completely mesmerized from head to toe. And that is when you know that this is not just a speeding car. It's something that you will take every aspect to heart and live on with forever.